Time to rip of the band aid and turn our lives.
Tell me, is this the time to rip of the band aid and massively turn our lives for the environment and our future. Not only change for ourselves but for other generations to come. Could we be the generation that endured the Corona virus? Not only beat it but also take on a new journey. First of all I personally believe that we can make that shift together. Am I an environment activist, NO. Am I logical thinking human being that sometimes thinks about the future, especially about our children’s future YES. I believe that if we adjust now and stick to it, we can soon see and enjoy the benefits.
Ever since i was a small boy until now i am a massive car lover. I was fortunate to own and enjoy over 20 Cars. From older cars to young timers/classics and a few new ones. And i treated each one of them like a car enthusiast. Whether they were a bit beat up or brand new and everything in between. They had one thing in common though, they all had a combustion engine and petrol as fuel. That is why i did not expect to change my perspective that quickly.
Rise of the electric vehicle
When the shift began (rise of the electric vehicle) i was sceptic and at the same time scarred as I guess a lot of you are to. Scarred that we could no longer enjoy the sound and feeling of a car with a combustion engine. Or that we could not take our children to car meetings and shows. The scared part was largely because of the fact that i knew this was innovation and progression. Or better quoted in the famous words of Neo, ”It was inevitable”.
So what does this have to do with you, well if we are like minded about cars this will affect you to. Although don’t be scarred, I think by discussing the topic and taking action we can an will further enjoy our beloved cars.
A new beginning trough innovations

A new beginning must start somewhere right? Right, I think so to. So, electric vehicles or EV’s what do we feel when we see one and are we massively going to join the movement and drive one our self’s. As mentioned above I believe that it always starts somewhere. Sure if we Google we can find hundreds of blogs, articles and videos why electric cars are
not emission free.
In most topics its due to the fabrication process. Ok let’s go with that, the fabrication process maybe not where it supposed to be. But think about this, isn’t progress and innovation supposed to start somewhere and maybe not in a perfect way. So we can improve and make the process as efficient as possible. I won’t go in to deep why ev’s are not green enough but check this article out if you want to know more https://www.thegreenage.co.uk/tech/environmental-footprint-electric-cars/
Best of both worlds
In my honest opinion we need the sceptics. They only push innovators to work harder and try harder. Also being sceptic and scared at first made me think about the future and send me on a mission. A mission to let co-exist the electric car next to our beloved conventional car. How, well i think that if we will gradually adapt and get in to the EV’s we dropdown emissions all together. And maybe enough to let us own a conventional car for fun and as a hobby. Partly a selfish thought because I always wanted to go on a road trip
through the USA in a real American (off course with a minimum amount of 8 cylinders).
I am self-employed in the tech industries and for the most part already doing business as usual. By not being on site drinking a cup of coffee with my customers but through various video calling applications like Microsoft Teams and Skype we all go on and make the best of the situation. Knowing that some customers businesses are taking hard hits. So by being able to work from home i spend less time on the road and commuting to and from customers or the office. Emissions must be at its lowest since a long time. This got me thinking. By driving less for my business can i reduce the impact on the environment a
little bit. By doing that while (maybe) driving a EV reduce even more. I like to find out, would you like to find out to.
Tell me what you think in the comment section. How will we get out of this, what must change and how will you begin.
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